During the cold winter months, where your skin takes a good beating with the dry, cold air. Spring is near so scrub away the dead skin and get ready for the beauty of summer.
2 TBS Almond Oil
1 TBS Coconut Oil
1 tsp Aloe Vera
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
1/4 C. Almonds (soak overnight and blend)
1 tsp Baking Soda
Mix everything together until smooth paste, then add fine sugar. Add 5-10 drops of your favorite essential oil if you would like. Let stand for 5 minutes. *Use a 4 oz. Jar
This is great for removing your dry skin or just re-hydrating from the harsh cold weather. Dampen your face, apply over in a circular motion, leave on for 5-10 minutes.
I recently read from this site where I buy my olive oil from, he said " I would never put anything on my face that I wouldn't eat!" Joseph Sciabica. The more I think about that the more it's true. Why would I put something harmful on my face that would damage my organs, but that is what so many of us do these days with the products that are sold in the stores. If you would like to rate the products you use on a regular basis to see what cancer causing ingredients are in your products check out this site: http://www.ewg.org/skindeep/. It lists thousands of products that range from 0, which is the best to 10 which is highly toxic ingredients. **This site is not just for women, so men check it out....
Enjoy the Scrub!