
Summer Fun

Summer Fun

Friday, September 19, 2014

Ear infection: Acute Otitis Media- Inflammation of the Middle Ear

Since entering my third semester in my ongoing studies for my associates degree in Complimentary Alternative Medicine I have learned a lot about the human body and how it's fascinating when it comes to fighting against bacteria, viruses, and other diseases.

This week I learned about the ear nose and throat, mainly about the inflammation of the middle ear also knows as earaches. This can be caused by bacterial or a viral infection in the middle ear is often associated with an upper respiratory tract infection. This is most common in children, the mucus and fluid build up in the middle ear and provide resistance due to poor diet, stress, lack of sleep, or faulty elimination.

Symptoms of an ear infection:
Usually, the first sign is persistent severe ear pain. There may be some hearing loss, fever, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may all occur in young children. Infants and toddlers my repeatedly pull at their earlobe.
Wellness protocols:
Always ensure if you have a child with these conditions get diagnosed first by a healthcare provider. If they prescribe antibiotics in several cases, natural healing methods can supplement allopathic treatments.
A diet rich in raw fruits and vegetables, fresh juices, quality proteins, and whole grains is vital to build up the resistance to infection. Restrict dairy products to one or two servings per day and avoid completely during an ear infection. Avoid sugar, white flour, and processed foods, which provide calories but little micronutrients. Sleep is vitally important.
The nose, throat, sinuses, and teeth should also be examined to check for secondary infection, which will complicate the picture.
*Do not put any substances in the ear if the child has ear tubes inserted or if there is a possibility that the eardrum is ruptured.
  • High doses of Vitamin C supplements
  • Gently massage over the Eustachian tube in a downward direction.
  • stimulate blood flow and drainage of the middle ear by applying hot (but not boiling), then cold towels over the ear and Eustachian tube. Apply hot for 3 minutes, then cold for 30 seconds.
  • Propolis is a natural and effective antibiotic and can be given orally and used within the ear. Use 3-drops of propolis tincture to 7-drops of boiled water. Place a few drops in the ear three times a day. Mix the propolis with garlic or halibut oil for increased effectiveness.
Herbal Protocols:
  • Warmed garlic and clove oils mixed can be dropped into the ear and are antiseptic and soothing.
  • Warm Mullein oil is effective when 2-drops are placed into each ear. Be sure the mixture is not too hot. Test on your inner arm first before applying.
Homeopathic Remedies for Childhood Earaches:
  • Belladonna 30c: Sudden, bounding pain, sudden high fever, red face; Often children wakes in the middle of the night screaming.
  • Chamomilla 30c: Nothing pleases them, can't be consoled, will often throw toys after crying for them.
  • Pulsatilla 30c: weeping, wants to be carried all the time.

Herbal Formulas:

Garlic Oil
8oz garlic, peeled and minced
olive oil, warm, sufficient to cover
Warm the oil in a bowl over a pot of water or using a double broiler. Never put oil directly over heat as it can easily catch fire.
Place the garlic in a large jar.
Add sufficient oil to cover the garlice
Shake and then place in a warm place for two to three days
Strain through cotton or muslin, bottle, and keep refrigerated
Use 10 drops three times a day

Chamomile Ear Blend
1/2 oz Chamomile (German) or (Roman)
1 Cup Boiling Water
1/2 Cup almond oil
1/2 Cup vegetable glycerin

Prepare an infusion of chamomile using the chamomile and boiling water. Strain and add the almond oil and vegetable glycerin. Shake the mixture well. Soak cotton wool in this mixture and insert into the ear.

Ear Blend
1oz distilled water
1oz calendula tincture
1/4oz propolis tincture
1 to 2 drops of fresh nasturtium juice (optional)
Measure the qualities with a syringe. A few drops of the juice from crushed Nasturtium leaves can be added. Use 4-5 drops in the ear, four times a day.

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